🌊Uploading and managing new versions

Arcane Mirage: Managing and Updating Project Versions

In the dynamic realm of creative work, projects are continually evolving. Recognizing this, Arcane Mirage simplifies the process of managing and updating new versions of your project. Our platform provides you with comprehensive control, whether you're making minor adjustments or undertaking significant modifications.

Uploading a New Version: Advancing Your Project

For those looking to release an updated version of an existing project, Arcane Mirage offers a straightforward and guided process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Access 'My Studio': This is your central hub for creativity on Arcane Mirage. Navigate to the 'My Studio' tab to find all your ongoing projects.

  2. Locate Your Project: Use the intuitive interface to find your project. Click on the three dots associated with your project to explore further options. Here, you can view all previously uploaded versions and prepare for your next update.

  3. Time to Upload a New Version: To upload a new version of your project, simply click on "Upload New Version" in Arcane Mirage. The process is straightforward and efficient, allowing for a quick update and seamless integration of your latest project iteration.

  4. Select Your New Version: When you choose to upload a new version, a window will prompt you to select the file from your computer. After selecting, click "Upload" to begin updating your project with the latest version.

  5. New version: After completing the upload, the new version will be visible in your project list, marking a successful update to your work.

  6. Make it active: To highlight the new version of your project, simply press the "make active" button in your version management panel.

    Alternatively, you can go to the "My Studio" tab, edit your project, and change the active version there. This will display your most recent creation to all users.

Keep in mind that each uploaded version occupies a project slot on Arcane Mirage.

If you encounter any questions or need assistance, our support community is readily available to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us; we're just a click away.

Last updated