Project Config Settings

This comprises different features you may need for your project.

Enable Mic:

Turn this ON if your project needs access to the user microphone. Keep in mind that users need to give permission to their browser to be able to user their mic (usually their web browser automatically tells them to give permission)

Capture Mouse:

Enable this feature if your project requires capturing the cursor. This will ensure that the cursor remains within the project's window, allowing users to interact with your project without the cursor leaving the experience area. Keep in mind that this overrides Unreal Engine Capture mouse configuration but not your initial mouse down configuration and you will still need to handle cursor visibility from inside your Unreal Engine project.

Custom Loading Screen Video:

For Engine Overlords plans and higher, you can put a loading video for users to watch while your project is loading and create a smoother experience by showing instructions, play a demo, trailer, or branding for your business. Format: MP4 Max Size: 20gb Max Resolution: 1920x1080px Codec: H264

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